
Hear what our members are saying.

Sara W.
37 years old
Mother of 3
Physical Education Teacher

I never thought I would join a crossfit community. I have been an athlete all my life, an all season outdoor enthusiast and a runner and thought that was simply enough, WRONG. After I had my third child in October 2021, I needed a change. That change was motivated by the LaReaux Family. Knowing this fitness dominating family,  is knowing good kind humans. After two sessions with Peyton, I was hooked. Peyton is top notch when it comes to coaching his athletes. He doesn’t miss a beat. His spacial awareness and presence in class is highly recognized. He is like a nomad navigating his terrain, head on a swivel. His enthusiasm is contagious. His dedication to each athlete in class is extremely impressive. His programming has impacted my overall strength and physical fitness astronomically. His awareness of each athlete's abilities is impressive. He knows when to push, when to pull back, where to modify and when to say “suck it up buttercup”. He recognizes their progress, and constructs when needed. His awareness and knowledge of the members outside life is truly a judge of his character. Praising athletes in class for accomplishments and creating specialized programming for their fitness goals outside of the gym just shows how he goes above and beyond for members. He is a teacher, he is a coach, he is a friend, he is exceptional. I would not be in the physical shape I am in now without the programming that I have gone through the past year. The community that Peyton and family have created at FIT is something I look forward to each day. The comradery, the constant motivation, the improvements, the positivity, the growth, the programming, and the friendships at FIT are something no other box can compete with. I highly recommend joining FITraining

Carol D.
73 years old
Professor Emeritus of Communication & Media
PhD, Political Rhetoric & Public Address

F.I. Training is absolutely excellent! They really live up to their name of being 'Fitness Inclusive Training.' I am 73 years old, overweight, and definitely NOT very strong, flexible, coordinated, or athletic - but Peyton has been a truly great coach. He understands what I can and cannot do, and is always ready to adjust workouts for me if necessary. But he also lets me push myself and he's ready to teach me. The people in the various workout times are all very different - but everyone is ALWAYS eager to support each other. There is an energy and a spirit that comes from people working together to be a real community. Two years ago, I often relied on a cane just to walk down my driveway. Now I am stronger, healthier, and happier than I have ever been (and I do NOT ever need to use a cane!). Fitness is definitely an adventure, and I am proud that my adventure makes me a part of the F.I. Training community.

Kimberly V.
44 years old
Education Administrator

I highly recommend joining FiT - do it now! Coaching is top notch and the facility is undergoing improvements all of the time. Owner, Peyton LaReaux, is knowledgeable, friendly and dedicated to his members. He makes classes fun and individualizes workouts based on members' needs. FI Training seeks member feedback and uses it to provide amazing service to people at all fitness levels. Exercising with my FIT crew is my favorite way to start my day.  I know I am taking care of my body and mind, and it's fun too.  Don't wait any longer; try it out. It's amazing!

Rebecca N.
31 years old
Owner at Babycakes by Becca CNY

I have trained with the LaReaux family for the last 5 years. When they decided to open their own facility, it was a no brainer to join. Peyton is the most attentive coach I have ever worked with. He is truly a talented coach and is extremely passionate about helping his members achieve their goals.

Kristin B.
57 years old
Retired Teacher

I've been doing crossfit for two years, and if it wasn't for Peyton LaReaux my fitness journey would have stalled out. When I  was 55 I began to believe that I just needed to try to maintain, because let's face it, I'm not in my twenties anymore, and felt like I was fighting an uphill battle to maintain muscle and strength. Well, I was COMPLETELY wrong! With Peyton's programming and consistent coaching, I've excelled to heights I didn't think I could reach. On my first day I could barely do a pull up, now I do weighted ones! In fact,  every single one of my weighted body movements have increased dramatically!! So never believe you can't do something. And, if you're not getting the results you want from whatever gym you go to, come see Peyton, he'll get you those results.

Erik J.
49 years old
Licensed Psychologist
PhD, Psychology

Since joining FI Training in August, I have PR'ed many of my weightlifting and Olympic lifts and gymnastic movements. I feel stronger than I have felt in a long time. This community remains second to none in terms of accepting and engaging athletes of all ages. After doing CrossFit for almost 10 years, I am floored and re-invigorated by my progress. There is some secret sauce going on at this gym that delivers some pretty stellar outcomes. Amazing coaching, wonderful community of athletes of all abilities, and facility with so much to offer.

Al B.
29 years old
Rehabilitation Worker

I’ve watched Peyton’s vision of owning his own gym grow and evolve from a small idea to a spacious, welcoming, and energetic facility with state of the art training equipment. But Peyton doesn’t just own the gym, he is the top-tier trainer in central New York who practices what he preaches.  In my 10 years of doing CrossFit, I have never had a more charismatic, dedicated, and knowledgeable trainer; and there are many of them in central New York.FIT is for people of all makes and models. Young, old, in-shape or out. If you’re looking to finally look forward to going to the gym, this is it.

Anthony V.
57 years old
University Special Assistant to the President &
Secretary to the Board of Trustees

When I heard the LaReaux's were planning on opening FI Training in August 2022, I didn't even need to think twice about joining. I had first met Peyton a year prior and was impressed with him from day one. He really takes a vested interest in the athletes in each class through his coaching and encouragement. His programming is designed to challenge you, but it is also designed for athletes of EVERY level so there are plenty of options to choose from; it truly is Fitness Inclusive Training. And if you are nursing an injury he will always look out for the best interest of the athlete. The LaReaux's have also continued to invest in the facility with new equipment arriving regularly and have plans to introduce other activities with a goal of making it one of the best fitness facilities in the area. And lastly, the community of individuals who attend classes there are some of the nicest (and fun) people I have ever met, with many of them coming from other facilities, which is a true testament to Peyton, Sarah, and Colin. I even got my wife Barbara to join, after a two year absence from the gym, as she kept hearing me talk about my experience. If you are looking to get started on, or continue your fitness journey and a healthier lifestyle, then FI Training is the place for you.

Dan O.
43 years old
Secondary Science Teacher

If you’re looking for the place to reach your fitness goals, you can stop searching. FIT is it!

As a “seasoned athlete” I’ve been working out in CNY for multiple decades.  In that time I’ve been a member at many gyms, and I can tell you in one word what puts FIT head and shoulders above all the “judgement-free zones”, the facilities seeking to “live it”, and the other gyms- the one word is…love.

The expression is “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.”  One day in FIT and you’ll see that Peyton loves all aspects of fitness and coaching his athletes. His enthusiasm is contagious and every athlete (from youth athletes looking to improve for their sport to adults looking to stay active and improve their physiques) isn’t just pushing to make it through a workout.  We sincerely love what we all get to do in the facility- shattering goals, achieving dreams, and forging a family-like bond with those working out beside us.

I’ve worked with Peyton the past few years, and his programming has only improved my athletic performance.  Under his structured programming and insightful coaching I’ve reached new “personal records” as a 40+ year old athlete in: fundamental weightlifting movements (over 425lb deadlift and climbing towards a nearly 400lb back squat without compromising form or injury); gymnastic movements (stringing together muscle ups, toes-to-bar, and working on handstand walks); Olympic lifts (setting PRs in cleans, snatches, and jerks); and cardio-output (improving my rowing, skiing, biking, and even my running).  Most of which, despite my years of working out, I had never done before training with Peyton and the LaReaux family. I’ve loved my results.

However, it isn’t just Peyton’s commitment to providing the best training, programming, and coaching that sets FIT apart, his commitment to his athletes is unparalleled. Last year I required a surgery that prevented me from working out for 6 weeks. Going from training 6 days a week to being sidelined was more mentally challenging than I anticipated, but Peyton was there for me throughout my recovery. He texted me regularly, checking in to make sure I was ok. He encouraged me to come into the gym even if I couldn’t workout, just to be around the other athletes and to keep me mentally and emotionally in my routine.  I know his commitment to me improved my recovery.

I’ve seen Peyton’s personal commitment to his athletes time and time again.  Encouraging youth athletes to hit workout sessions in the early morning hours before school, working one-on-one with adult athletes new to the fitness lifestyle in the evening hours after work, and even spending portions of his personal time on the weekend listening to student-athletes following varsity tryouts to help determine their next steps.  Peyton cares about his athletes well beyond the hours of operation of the gym. The dedication he shows is his love for the FIT community that he and the LaReaux family has created.

So, if you’re looking for a fitness center where you will be known for who YOU are and not just a nameless member trying to “live it” in a “zone with a lunk-alarm”; if you’re ready to love what you do as much as you’ll  love the results of your efforts; if you’re ready to dominate your days and if you’re ready for glory; stop in to join FIT.  You’ll see it’s love at first lift.

Joe M.

On December 27, 2022, I reluctantly began my fitness journey.  I did NOT want to join a gym, do CrossFit, or even be physically active.  I was perfectly happy being myself, but in all reality, I was struggling with my weight, not feeling well, and inactive.  I had this inner fear that since I wasn’t athletic, and overweight, everyone at a gym would laugh at me. I was afraid that it would bring back those old memories of being picked last in physical education class in middle school or being mocked when I struck out at a softball game as a teenager.  I even reasoned that I might consider going to the gym someday, but only once I get in shape first.

However, I committed to joining F.I. Training for just one month, and one month only.  I planned on honoring my one-month commitment, then happily go back to my old ways.  And during that time, I was the “guy in the corner on the bike.”  The bike was indeed my security blanket.

Then, something special and amazing happened…I reached a turning point and a transformation began to take place, and I never looked back.

What I really found was a welcoming, inclusive environment and a community of wonderful people and friends at F.I. Training that accepted me for who I was, who encouraged me in my personal journey, and sharpened me to aim higher and be a better version of myself.  These are the people that I now look up to.

And Coach Peyton has been truly supportive of me from day one.  In fact, I now consider him to be one of the most influential people in my lifetime.  His investment in my fitness journey has been priceless, and I know that I am just one of many who share that very same sentiment.  He has worked with me and my physical limitations and designed workouts that helped me achieve my goals.  Peyton has shown me how to improve and has been with me every step of the way, even when I felt discouraged.  He selflessly inspires each of us daily, makes our workouts exciting and fun, and above all, he doesn’t just talk a good talk, he walks it too (actually he runs, jumps, spins, and climbs).  Fitness and seeing us grow as individuals are his passion, and his energy, humor, and positivity are contagious.  He’s there to greet us at 4:45 a.m. and is cleaning the gym at 6:45 p.m. Even in his off time, he’s building a better facility for all of us.  He tirelessly serves the F.I. Training community and is always giving back to others.  Coach Peyton is the real deal…he’s genuine…he is our champion.

The entire LaReaux family has been a tremendous blessing to us.  Thank you, Sarah, Quin, and Tracy.  A special thanks goes out to Colin and the run club, who helped us to become avid distance runners as well.  Coaches Amanda, Jessica, and Nancy have given us the training, techniques, and guidance to build a foundation of success.

And this journey wouldn’t have even been possible at all, had it not been for my wife and gym partner, An, who keeps me grounded, motivated, and moving every day.

So yes, my inner fears were totally incorrect, unwarranted, and unfounded.  I am so glad that I joined F.I. Training.  My reality is that I am now much happier, more energetic, and feel great.  I am 8½ months into my fitness journey, and I see solid, measurable results. I’ve lost a total of 45 pounds and have reached my lifetime dream weight, a goal that I haven’t been able to attain in more than 23 years.  I dropped several clothes sizes, and simply can’t believe what I see when I look in the mirror every day.  I can now do activities in the gym that I once thought were impossible and totally unachievable for me, and now I can’t wait to see what I will be able to do next.

To Coach Peyton and my amazing new family at F.I. Training, you are all deeply appreciated, more than you’ll ever know.

With much gratitude, thank you.

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